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for foreigners
for pre-intermediate

Monday | 17:25 - 18:55

Detail kurzu

Czech for foreigners for pre-intermediate

Date of opening: 28.9.2015
Course length: 15 weeks
Price: 3 950 Kč
Day: Monday
Time: 17.25-18.55
Book: Czech Step by Step 1, lesson 8
Level: This course has been opened as the continuation of the Czech for foreigners for beginners. Students will develop further the skills already learned: conjugations of the present tense, acusative, past tense; and, of course the communicative skills: maintaining a short informal conversation, asking for a direction, ordering in a restaurant or answering an announce. In this course we will start from the lesson 8 of the book "Czech Step by Step 1" by Lída Holá
Status: In Czech for foreigners there are still free places. It´s possible to sign up.

Přihlásit se do kurzu Čeština pro cizince

Czech for foreigners for pre-intermediate

You don't need to speak Czech perfectly to attend this course! You don't need to speak English - during lessons we only speak Czech!

Questions? Sign up? English Francais Deutsch Polski ??????? ?? Espaňol

We have prepared for you a course of Czech for foreigners. Being a Slavic language, it is not easy to learn. Still, Czech is a really interesting and beautiful language and life in the Czech Republic is difficult without its knowledge. The objective of this course of the Czech for the pre-intermediate level is gaining the A2 level of the Czech language. The emphasis will be given to developing the acquired communicative and grammar abilities. At the same time, the course will focus on deepening and completing the grammar notions, the communication skills and, as well, the writing in the context of every-day situations and the Czech culture. In this course we will use the second part (lessons 6 - 10) of the book "Czech step by step 1" from Lída Holá (http://czechstepbystep.cz). .

Připravili jsme pro vás kurz češtiny pro cizince - mírně pokročilé. Čeština jakožto slovanský jazyk patří mezi obtížnější jazyky. Přesto má svůj půvab a jeho znalost je pro život v České republice velmi důležitá. Kurs bude zaměřen na prohloubení základních znalostí českého jazyka na úrovni A2 evropského rámce. Důraz bude kladen na rozvíjení základních komunikačních a dorozumívacích dovedností s užitím osvojených gramatických jevů. Zároveň bude kurz pokračovat ve studiu nových oblastí gramatiky, rozvíjení ústního i písemného projevu v kontextu českých reálí. Při výuce budeme probírat druhou část učebnice (lekce 6 - 10) autorky Lídy Holé Czech step by step 1, jejíž součástí je i pracovní sešit a CD. .

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